The Backstory of Bex Mar Films

Images by Allison Klein Photography

Images by Allison Klein Photography

Images by Allison Klein Photography

I got engaged in 2020 and immediately felt like so much of my life would be changing. My fiancé was coaching baseball in Nebraska at the time and I was teaching middle school in New York (and loving every second of it). We started talking about the possibility of me quitting my teaching job and moving 17 hours from all of my family and friends to a little TINY town in Nebraska (yes, I have to emphasize “tiny”).  I started praying right away that God would give me direction and open up new doors for me creatively, and in my career. Most importantly, I prayed that He would provide a way for me to make money for my family, and also be able to fly home to New York as much as I possibly could for as long as I needed to.

For 6 months I prayed the same prayer every morning before work.  If you know me, you know that I am extremely prepared and rule oriented.  When I finally decided to quit my teaching job and move to Nebraska, NOTHING at the time was how I planned it or how I thought I should be doing things.  I trusted the fact that God would provide a way for everything I needed.

In the last 3 years, I’ve worked hard to build something that I’m proud of, that is honoring to God, and that provides for my family (and my 17 hour trips home to NY).  I’ve prayed daily for new opportunities and ways that we could permanently move back to the east coast and closer to home.  I’ve felt frustrated, completely alone, confused, and homesick.  I’ve also been hopeful and excited for new doors to open for my husband and I in the right time.  

In November of 2023, our prayers of the last three years were answered as we moved to Pennsylvania for my husband to take over the baseball program at a new University. We are 3.5 hours from home in NY, my schedule is full of so many incredible couples, their families, and wedding days to be celebrated. 

Three years ago I had no idea what praying one little prayer could do, but now I’ll never wonder again.  These years of praying and waiting brought me a business that I love, a husband with a career that he loves, and the opportunity to live within a short driving distance of everyone in the world that we love. 

Thank you to everyone who is following along and supporting us. We love all of you too ♡

“Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us — to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.” - Ephesians 3:20-21 HCSB


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